Price Guarantee: Our tour prices do not include airfare and are subject to change without notice due to the unpredictability of currency rates and trip costs. However, your price for your selected tour will be locked and guaranteed the moment we receive your deposit.
Covered by the Price: Sightseeing tours by GG guides, including admissions to sights seen as a group; all breakfasts and some dinners; accommodations each night, often in smaller, centrally located hotels; all transportation required for trip activities from the first to the last hotel (transportation for optional and independent activities during the trip is not included); all local guide, driver, and hotel fees and tips. Exception: CS tours do not include guided sightseeing, admissions, or meals.
Tour Payments: To reserve a spot on a GG tour you must agree to the Trip Conditions and provide us with $500 deposit per person. Deposits and payments must be paid by personal check, money order or bank draft. We also accept credit or debit cards for trip payments. Your final tour payment is due at least 60 days before departure, unless other agreements have been made. If you sign up for a tour 60 of fewer days before the start date of the tour, full payment will be required to confirm your participation. Such payments become non-refundable 7 days after they are received by our office. Your final payment due date will be listed on your tour invoice. Missing the final payment deadline may result in your being removed from the tour. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive your final payment in a timely manner. If any payment is returned due to non-sufficient funds (NSF), Go Global will assess a $25 fee per occurrence.
Cancellations and Refunds: Your tour deposit is 100% refundable up to 60 days before the start date of the tour, unless noted otherwise. Deposits made fewer than 60 days before the start of the tour become non-refundable 7 days after they are received by our office.
On the day the tour begins, or any day thereafter, if you leave the tour for a qualifying, unforeseen medical or family emergency, the Company will refund to you $75 per person for each missed day. If you leave the trip for a non-qualifying reason, there will be no refund possible. Please understand that to in order to keep costs down, and because it may be unobtainable in any event, the Company has no protection coverage beyond the basic package included in the trip price to protect itself, the actions of its employees, or trip participants themselves, and that participants intentionally assume the many risks inherent in international travel. The Company encourages all participants to purchase separate travel insurance to cover possible additional costs (airline tickets, loss of luggage, trip delay, etc.).
Physical Condition: Our tours are physically demanding. To enjoy the experience, you must be in good shape. The most active days may average 3-6 miles of walking (often over uneven paving stones), lots of standing while listening to your guide during group sightseeing, and steep stair-climbing while carrying your own bag from the bus up to your room. Whether you are 20 or 70 get in shape before you leave for your international trip. Smokers may not smoke in hotel rooms or during meals. Children under age 18 must room with and be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Tour itineraries are subject to change: International travel may full of surprises and we need to be flexible enough to take advantage of whatever comes along so that we may provide you with the best possible experience. Uncompleted portions of the itinerary are not cause for refund.
Participation: If a trip participant misbehaves or does things that are incompatible with the safety, comfort or convenience of other participants, we have the exclusive right and discretion, to expel someone, or even you, from trip at any time, without any claims or complaints by you against us.
Cancellation by Go Global: While highly unlikely, your tour may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. If the Company cancels a tour, the entire amount that you have paid to the Company will be refunded to you within thirty (30) business days after the cancellation. Once this occurs, the Company has no other obligations to tour members including any additional costs or fees related to the issuance and/or cancellation of airline tickets or other travel reservations not made by the Company.
Cancellation by Participants: We know that sometimes the best-laid plans go wrong. That is why, in certain circumstances, the Company will return some of your money to you if you must cancel or interrupt your trip. We offer this courtesy coverage for your benefit, and for the benefit of your traveling family member(s). A family member is a spouse, a stepchild, or your blood relative in the first degree. We suggest all trip members consider the purchase of comprehensive travel and health insurance.
Although we cannot refund your deposit money under any circumstance, we may refund to you a portion of your trip payment, if you cancel your reservation before the tour begins for a qualifying medical or family emergency as outlined below. The maximum possible refund if you cancel your reservation before the first day of the trip for a qualifying reason is your price, less initial deposit and $500 cancellation fee.
On the day the tour begins, or any day thereafter, if you leave the trip for a qualifying, unforeseen medical or family emergency as outlined below, the Company will refund to you $75 per person for each missed day. If you leave the trip for a non-qualifying reason, there will be no refund possible. We will refund a portion of your payment, as described above, only in certain circumstances:
- You or a family member suffer an unforeseeable and disabling injury (an unforeseen injury is one which first occurs within 45 days prior to your trip’s start date) prior to joining or while on trip;
- You or a family member suffer an unforeseeable illness (an unforeseen illness is one which first occurs within 45 days prior to your trip’s start date) requiring hospitalization or urgent medical care prior to joining or while on trip;
- You or a family member dies;
- You or a family member are involved in a serious injury-causing accident while en route to a trip departure;
- You or a family member experience a certifiable personal disaster such as your home floods or burns down, or you are a victim of a serious crime, necessitating a change in travel plans.
If you request a refund of your payment because of an unforeseen illness or injury, we require you to provide us with a letter from your attending physician, typed on the physician’s letterhead, verifying the date of onset and the specific reasons given for advice against traveling. If your physician advises you not to travel, you must notify the Company about that event in writing immediately. This letter must be mailed to the attention of the Refund Department. If you request a refund of payments because you have been a victim of a crime or a flood or fire or an accident, you must provide us with a copy of a pertinent police, fire department or investigative report.
Go Global will not refund your payments in any amount under these circumstances:
- Carrier-related delays, including those caused by bad weather, labor disputes, civil unrest or mechanical problems;
- Personal or business problems or difficulties that are not medically disabling;
- Governmental obligations or requirements related to subpoenas, summons, jury duty or lawsuits, war, terrorism or the Immigration and Naturalization Service;
- Your inability to obtain a passport or visa or another travel-related document;
- Self-inflicted injury or harm; or problems related to alcohol or substance abuse; or
- Personal injuries caused by high-risk personal activities such as skydiving, racing or bungee cord jumping.
This documents the Company’s plan for providing partial refunds of tour payments in certain events. Our willingness to make these limited refunds, however, is no substitute for your purchase of supplemental travel and health insurance.