Here at Go Global we are focused on connecting with cultures around the world. We believe that a part of that connection should include giving back to those who are in situations that are less fortunate than ours. That means that a portion of our work is humanitarian-based and no-profit focused.
We support language training, we deliver needed supplies into impoverished nations, we work with local humanitarian leaders, we coordinate efforts with local NGO’s medical outreaches, and we reach out to children that may seem hopeless. Our list of humanitarian projects continues to grow.
A portion of each Go Global tour supports our Going = Giving program and our trip participants have the option of rolling the cost up and participating in our giving back program. Come travel with us and see how giving back is part of who we are!
Humanitarian work is not an add-on to our company mission. It is at the very core of who we are and why we travel. We see travel as an agent for greater good and we see cross cultural connections as beneficial to all. To see a list of all the places we go and what we do please click here.
- Via mail (check payable to ICR, P.O.Box 611, Lynden WA 98264, with check memo details GG/country (for example: GG/Ukraine or GG/India), or
- Online through the button below. Please comment GG/country (for example: GG/Ukraine or GG/India)